A Free Masterclass for Ambitious Expats & Global Players
Stop Spinning Your Wheels:
How High-Achieving Expats Can Escape Overthinking & Overdoing
And Lead With Clarity & Confidence
How to go from "This is supposed to be the dream but it doesn't feel that way" to being really able to enjoy where you are

Hey high-achiever abroad, I know what it's like...
On paper, your expat life is the success story you’ve always wanted - but it doesn't always feel that way from the inside (and you then feel guilty about that!).
You're tired of spending so much mental energy on figuring out your next move, whether that's a geographical, professional or personal one - or probably all of them together!
It's like you can't switch off your busy brain. You worry constantly about the future and long for direction, peace of mind & being able to trust the process.
​​Your calendar is packed, your mind always on - you wonder how you can be more present with your loved ones and in your life. You want to make time for the things that are good for you in the long term.
You feel stuck, disconnected or unfulfilled in one or more areas of your life, but as much as you thought about the situation and looked for concrete things to change, you haven't found a solution.
You tend to figure it out on your own because the inner circle back home doesn't truly get the expat context. But let's be honest - it's how you've always rolled. Asking for support doesn't come easy to you.
But it can be different...
You can also experience more fulfillment, confidence & direction as you navigate your next move(s). With peace of mind, ease and trust in the process!
Let's stop spinning those wheels
And step into a life that feels as good on the inside as it looks from the outside.

In this masterclass we will cover

Presented by Amanda Maxime
Accredited life coach working exclusively with high-achieving expats & global players - 150+ so far and counting. Former diplomat (tell me about balancing international ambition and keeping your personal life in tact!). Forever globetrotter.
After coaching so many wonderful, ambitious & unique expats I did start to see a pattern among them - and a way to overcome their shared challenges with a few shifts. That's why I created this masterclass!
Sabre Nap
"Amanda is an amazing coach and I'm so glad to have found her."
Chandler M.
"I definitely walked away with deeper insights and more tools in my toolkit."
"I know I can handle what is coming because I understand myself better now."